Rule of 8 : On of the first things you should notice is the rule of 8 :
The word 'taxonomy' - 8 letters
Number of groups in Taxonomy : 8 groups
So, now you will never miss one by accident from the mnemonic you are going to create, because you know you always have 8 groups as 'taxonomoy' has 8 letters. Now let us find a mnemonic to memorise the taxonomy ranks :
- Domain
- Kingdom
- Phylum
- Class
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species
Mnemonic :
King Ordered Physics Class Geniuses to Destroy Famous Spices
Here, a King is ordering some physics geniuses to destroy some spices to gain advantage in his kingdoms trade. That sounds crazy and that's what we want! The advantage of this mnemonic over the usual ones available online to memorise taxonomy are that the words in mnemonics are very closely related with the words in the original list for e.g. Spices sound very similar to Species. Hence, the chances of forgetting are very less.